Shopify Support and Maintenance
All eCommerce sites require regular maintenance and security patching – whilst Shopify provides its own security patches, making sure the site runs quickly and smoothly is a massive part of ongoing maintenance.
Affinity offers a rolling Shopify Support and Maintenance Program to achieve just this. The program will support merchants and give them priority access to our experienced Shopify Support Client Services Team and Shopify Technical Developers.
Shopify Maintenance Program
To maintain best practice security measures and fully benefit from the continuous development carried out by the Shopify core development team as well as the extension providers you should regularly maintain your Shopify website with the latest available updates as they are released into the public space.
This method of regularly patching can also bypass the significant overheads and complexities faced with big version jumps encountered when Shopify websites aren’t maintained regularly with the latest releases.
To request full details of the ‘Affinity Shopify Service Options’ click here.