
Facebook Ads Manager Updates You Need to Know


In the rapidly evolving marketing world, staying updated with the latest features and tools is crucial for maximising your performance and staying on top of your game. 

Facebook is constantly making changes to its ads platform, from new AI features to removing targeting options. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these most recent updates – the good, the bad and the ugly.

Adv+ creative in advertising settings

Facebook Ads Manager introduced Advantage+ creative in advertising settings in May this year, which is automatically applied by default. 

The setting allows Facebook’s AI to optimise your ads by testing new features, even if you manually turn off the enhancements at ad level. If your ads are looking a bit different, this could be the culprit. 

Watch out for the ‘add catalogue items’ enhancement

For ad managers handling multiple clients, an important update to be aware of is the add catalogue items enhancement. The feature automatically populates catalogues associated with your business manager. However, if overlooked, there is a risk of Client A’s products appearing in Client B’s ads, causing some real issues. 

Hopefully, Facebook can come up with a way to prevent this and ensure all clients’ catalogues stay separate. 

The transition from dynamic creative to flexible ad format

Facebook is transitioning from the dynamic creative ad setting to a new flexible ad format. Previously, dynamic creative was enabled at the ad set level, allowing up to 10 creatives per ad and limiting you to one dynamic ad per ad set. 

With this new format, the option is selected at ad level instead. You can now create ‘groups’ within the ad level and have 10 creatives per group. You can also have multiple flexible ads per ad set, making your campaigns much more versatile. 

Changes in ASC+ campaign structure

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns have undergone significant changes. While they previously combined the campaign and ad set levels, Facebook is now rolling out updates that separate these levels, much like a manual campaign. 

The change allows more control over budget allocation, with the option to set the budget at campaign level or at ad set level. Testing them both can tell you what yields better results for your campaign. 

Ad scheduling shift

Ad scheduling is now appearing in the ad level, as opposed to the ad set level like before. This shift will be particularly useful when running certain promotions that need to stop or start at a certain time. To access these scheduling options, click ‘show more options’ below the multi-advertiser ads checkbox. 

Advantage+ Audiences

Facebook has begun phasing out original audience settings in some ad accounts. Instead, they are forced to use Advantage+ audiences, which uses machine learning to show your ads to the people most likely to respond. You can still add audience suggestions, but this gives you a lot less control over your audience. 

If you still need to use the traditional custom audience options, you may be able to duplicate previously created ad sets which had the older targeting options into new campaigns, and amend as needed. 

Integration of Facebook Shops

Facebook has started to focus more on integrating e-commerce better into the platform. Businesses can now create a fully integrated storefront accessible directly from their Facebook page. It allows customers to browse, save and purchase products without ever leaving Facebook, creating a seamless shopping experience similar to TikTok shop. 

This feature will allow e-commerce businesses to drive more sales and retain more customers. 

These updates to Facebook Ads Manager will continue to be tested across ad accounts, so if you see any new changes, this could be why. 
If you need any advice on managing these changes, get in touch with our team for guidance.

Facebook Ads Manager Updates You Need to Know

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